速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Magic & Satanic Influences: Its Kinds,It

Magic & Satanic Influences: Its Kinds,It



檔案大小:5.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 3.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Magic & Satanic Influences: Its Kinds,Its Rulings & Protecti(圖1)-速報App

Magic & Satanic app deals all about the Magical spell to our Beloved Prophet Muhammed(Peace Be Upon Him).

This Application includes,Two Surah's i.e,113.The Day Break(Al-Falaq) and 114.The Mankind(An-Nas)

Magic & Satanic Influences: Its Kinds, Its Rulings & Protection Abridgment from Maariful-Qur’aan Revised Translation by Mufti Taqi Usmani Appendix: Protection against Magic, Jinn, Shaytaan,thieves and against other worldly troubles and calamities (Manzil)Recommended Verses of the Qur’aan By Shah Waliullah (RA) and Shaykh Muhammad Talha Kandhalwi (RA).

Mainly the description of this application is been extracted from the quran verses and the authentic hadith.



-For Spreading Hadith there is a EMAIL facility

-Easily Switching form one book to another book

Magic & Satanic Influences: Its Kinds,Its Rulings & Protecti(圖2)-速報App

-A very Realistic user interaction

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-Feed Back for further changes



This app is uploaded in good faith and we have tried to remain as careful as possible to avoid mistake and provide content which is agreed by the most but please feel free to guide us if you find any objections or missing content


This application is also available for the iPad.

Magic & Satanic Influences: Its Kinds,Its Rulings & Protecti(圖3)-速報App

Inshallah Further updation may be take place.support us by Rating and Reviews May Allah The Exalted, Bestow his Mercy on all of you.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad